Recent Posts
POSTED ON April 24, 2018
Preventable Incidents: A Lot Can Happen in...
Ten minutes may seem like just a fraction of a typical day but during that same time in the...
POSTED ON April 18, 2018
Med Students Not Trained to Recognize, Report...
The lack of a formal patient safety curriculum that promotes learning regarding adverse events and critical medical errors has...
POSTED ON April 10, 2018
What’s Behind the Biggest Spike in Fatality...
An improving economy, the increased number of active bicyclists and pedestrians, more technology distractions, and behaviors like drunk driving...
POSTED ON March 22, 2018
Avoid These Antibiotics During Pregnancy
Women should avoid certain antibiotics during pregnancy. The use of certain antibiotics such as Tetracycline, Sulfonamides, Streptomycin, and Trimethoprim...
POSTED ON March 15, 2018
How Long Commutes to Work Affect Trucker...
Long commutes to work mean that truck drivers are confined to a small space, absorb whole body vibrations, sit...
POSTED ON March 8, 2018
Will the Deregulation of Child Care Result...
Trump’s proposal to roll back childcare regulation may put kids in danger, increasing the risk of serious injuries and...
POSTED ON February 23, 2018
Is Danger Looming Overhead? (Exploding Sunroofs)
Sunroofs can explode for a number of reasons, and when they do they can create a dangerous distraction for...
POSTED ON February 16, 2018
FDA: Crackdown on Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic remedies are often unproven, lack scientific research to back up the claims, and can expose patients to significant...
POSTED ON February 9, 2018
American Suburbia: Creating the Illusion of Safety
Many neighborhoods are designed with meandering curves and cul-de-sacs intended to maximize the views and privacy of homeowners, but...
POSTED ON January 22, 2018
Why Black Mothers Are Dying After Birth
Black women experience childbirth deaths at up to four times the rate of white women. The fatalities are the...